Growing OH & NHS Planning Guidelines

Growing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Together forms part of 2023-24 NHS priorities and operational planning guidance

NHS Growing Occupational Health and Wellbeing (OHWB) Together is the 5-year strategy to improve the health and wellbeing services for our NHS people, to keep them safe and healthy, and empowered to pass good care onto our patients. This forms part of our ambition for a proactive culture of wellbeing within the NHS People Plan and People Promise.

The strategy is now available to download from the NHS England website:

Growing OHWB Together also forms a mandate for action for ICSs and NHS organisations as part of whole system workforce planning, having been included as part of 2023-24 NHS priorities and operational planning guidance (see p.17). This demonstrates the importance placed in looking after the health and wellbeing of all our NHS people in the workplace.

You can find out more by joining the online Growing OHWB community here, and learn more about the wider NHS people health and wellbeing agenda here.