The Growing OHWB Strategy is available to download

The strategy is available to download from the NHS England website:

The Growing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Together strategy provides a long-term roadmap to improve the health and wellbeing of our NHS people by growing our occupational health and wellbeing services and people. 

Supporting our NHS People Plan and People Promise of ‘we are safe and healthy’, it sets out a united vision and areas for action that we can achieve together based on four strategic drivers:

Growing the strategic OHWB identity and impact

  • Defining the purpose of OH through a clear value proposition (offer) of OH
  • Clear national and local (organisation and system) Board level recognition of OH as a visible, trusted, strategic and integrated partner

Growing our OHWB services across systems 

  • Inclusion, equality and ease of access
  • Proactive and preventative focus
  • Alignment to Health and Wellbeing in organisational and system wide (ICS) plans
  • Enhanced service standards, quality, measurement, and consistency
  • Effective use of technology to support service delivery 

Growing our OHWB people

  • Empowered OH leadership, service improvement and innovation
  • Increased OH workforce capacity and capability
  • Multi-disciplinary delivery model
  • Investment in our people to reach their full potential
  • OH workforce drive service improvement, clinical pathway development and innovation

Growing OHWB evidence based practice

  • Empowering OHWB to strategically and operationally support recovery, restoration and transformation
  • Building on success and collaborative approaches

The Growing OHWB vision and drivers are underpinned by co-design, service improvement and a learning-focused approach.

Growing OHWB Resources

These key documents and resources have been made available for anyone interested in the Growing Occupational Health Programme, the development of the OH Roadmaps and the subsequent development of the national, five-year strategy for Growing Occupational Health.

Boorman Review of Health and Wellbeing (2009)

Working for a Healthier Tomorrow - Dame Carol Black (2008)

NHS Health and Wellbeing Framework (2021)