Growing OHWB Case Studies: hearing from Network Members

How Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust implemented a successful Hub and Spoke Occupational Health Model

In August 2022, NHS England (NHSE) approached the then Health at Work Network South West Representative, Alison James, to explore how an NHS Occupational Health Service could support the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWAST). Following initial discussions, a proposal was presented to the Occupational Health (OH) Leads of the South West. Their unanimous agreement to support SWAST underscored the collaborative spirit within the region’s healthcare system.

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Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust creates Senior Screening Nurse role to tackle workforce health challenges and achieves Highly Commended in Recognition Awards

Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has taken a positive step in addressing health inequalities among its 4,500-strong workforce. Situated across two sites in Warrington and Runcorn, the Trust serves communities with significantly poor health outcomes. Recognising the importance of supporting staff wellbeing, the Trust’s Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service developed a dedicated Senior Screening Nurse (SSN) position to enhance its capabilities and reach.

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University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust win a Recognition Award for their Grow and Enhance Occupational Health Initiative

In 2022, University Hospitals Dorset (UHD) NHS Foundation Trust embarked on a strategic initiative to grow and enhance its Occupational Health (OH) services. With the endorsement of the Executive Team, a comprehensive business plan was launched, including significant investment in staffing and a five-year development plan. The initiative aimed to build a robust OH service that delivers exceptional care and support to staff, aligning with the Trust's broader objectives of improving employee health and wellbeing.

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Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust wins a Recognition Award through its commitment to employee health and wellbeing by offering £1 per month on-site gym access

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has demonstrated a commitment to staff wellbeing through its innovative Health and Wellbeing Strategy. A core aspect of this is the emphasis on physical activity, acknowledging research that highlights physically active workers take 27% fewer sick days. To support this, the Trust has repurposed spaces within its hospital estate into modern gym facilities branded as ‘Wor Gyms’. These facilities, offering state-of-the-art equipment and a range of fitness classes, are available to staff for a nominal fee of £1 per month, ensuring affordability and accessibility for employees. The initiative is inclusive, designed with input from staff network groups to accommodate disability and diversity, and is accessible 24/7 to suit all shift patterns.

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Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust achieves a Recognition Award with its Transforming Musculoskeletal Services to drive culture change initiative

As the Northwest trailblazer for the National NHS Growing Occupational Health and Wellbeing Together Strategy (2023), Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) committed to enhancing musculoskeletal (MSK) services for its workforce. Recognising that good MSK health is essential for the Trust’s 29,000 employees –many of whom work in physically demanding roles – the initiative aimed to reduce MSK-related sickness absences, enhance staff wellbeing, and ultimately improve patient care.

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Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust achieves an Inaugural Recognition Award with its invaluable work supporting employees facing financial hardship

Amid the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, many staff members at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust faced significant financial hardships, which threatened their ability to continue working. Rising costs led some staff to consider additional shifts, while others faced more severe challenges, including homelessness and the need to flee unsafe living conditions. Recognising the critical impact of financial wellbeing on staff retention, performance, and overall morale, the Trust launched the Staff Financial Wellbeing Project. This initiative was designed to provide comprehensive support to staff experiencing financial difficulties, thereby enabling them to remain in their roles and maintain their focus on delivering quality patient care.

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Utilising Occupational Psychology at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to address the bigger picture of staff psychological health & safety and mental wellbeing

Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has faced significant challenges regarding staff health & wellbeing, particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic. The pressures of the healthcare environment have led to increased mental health issues among staff, which in turn, has contributed to higher levels of sickness absence. Recognising the need for a more strategic and evidence-based approach to addressing these issues, the Trust has engaged the services of Carl Barnes, an occupational psychologist to examine and improve systems and promote psychological health and safety. This approach includes evaluating team dynamics, work processes, job design, leadership, and the overall work environment.

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Using OHWB data to design new multi-professional services that support and retain staff with the menopause at London North West Healthcare Trust

OHWB and workforce data in the London North West Healthcare Trust identified a steady rise in the number of female staff being referred to OHWB services with menopausal symptoms. In extreme cases, female staff were also leaving the workforce in their 40s and 50s, citing that they were unable to manage and continue to work while in menopause. With 40% of the Trust’s female workforce over 50 years of age, the impact on staff retention and ability to work was a significant issue.

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Developing all employees and managers in health and wellbeing at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

The Employee health and wellbeing (EHW) service at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) is working to create a culture that enables open and honest conversations around mental and physical health. It has developed a comprehensive training package for staff and managers to develop their skills and confidence in health and wellbeing, which acts as an enabler to this cultural change and helps to raise awareness of the wide range of services available to support them. There are a wide range of courses available, including decompressing after a critical/traumatic incident in the workplace, mental health conversation training and a new dedicated health and wellbeing leadership course.

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Driving up service quality by using the Safe Effective Quality Occupational Health Service (SEQOHS) accreditation across Network Members in the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) ICS

The North East and North Cumbria (NENC) ICS recognised the need to improve the quality of future OH services in four of its provider trusts through achievement of the national SEQOHS accreditation. A key objective of their programme was to improve communication and collaboration between the trusts and in turn enable the standardisation of best OHWB practice across the region.

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Providing occupational health services for GPs and their staff in Leicester and Leicestershire

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL) has been providing an OH service for GPs in Leicestershire for 20 years. This was a pioneering approach at the time and is still in the vanguard of innovative OHWB service provision. From the outset, one of the key drivers has been to provide GPs and practice staff with the same access to OH services as staff working in larger NHS organisations.

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Network Members in North London develop a collaborative Occupational Health shared service

As the North West London ICS began to take shape, the four acute, two community and one mental health trust within the ICS, with support from the NW London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), identified that their staff would be best served by a single OH provision. This model also had potential for the 360 GP practices in the area and eight local authorities to join in the future.

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Network Members in Hampshire and Isle of Wight develop collaborative approach to delivering OHWB services

Working across one of the biggest ICSs in England, OHWB leaders in Hampshire and Isle of Wight (HIOW) saw the opportunity to expand their programme of strategic and operational development that had been launched to respond to the NHS People Plan, to include Growing OHWB services. The groundwork was already in place, thanks to a strong history of local NHS organisations working together collaboratively and existing trusted strategic relationships. 

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Network Members across North Central London ICS are developing a consolidated occupational health service

 In 2019, North Central London Integrated Care System (NCL ICS) set itself an ambition of establishing a single, consolidated, clinically excellent OH service that consistently delivers high-quality, cost-effective services to all NHS staff working across the ICS.

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Using the NHS Health and Wellbeing Framework to strategically develop organisational OHWB strategy and priorities at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust

East Lancashire Hospitals recognises that caring for colleagues is essential to pass that care onto their patients. They used the NHS Health and Wellbeing Framework to create a clear and holistic action plan for improvement and investment, underpinned by a needs-driven and holistic evidence base that supports their employees to feel well, happy, and healthy through high-quality OHWB support for all.

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Network Member Cambridge University Hospital is currently developing an OHWB brand and a proactive, preventative approach. 

Occupational health services at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH) are on a long-term journey to ensure services provide not just services at point of need, but also pre-empt staff needs in a proactive and preventative way. This underpins the way the whole service operates.

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