SEQOHS Standards Formal Consultation Has Launched

The FOM has been engaging with a range of stakeholders including SEQOHS assessors, Government, regulators, trade unions, purchasers and commissioners of services, in-house service providers and commercial providers of all sizes, to listen to their opinions. This has informed the production of a new set of draft standards we are now presenting for formal consultation and your comments.

The emphasis for the 2023 standards is very much on practical application – what providers actually do in practice day to day.

The proposed 2023 SEQOHS Standards aim to:

  • Remove duplication
  • Place greater emphasis on outputs and outcomes
  • Highlight legal requirements as “must” standards, and “should” standards for SEQOHS accreditation
  • Deliver updated guidance and new templates
  • Provide clearer information for purchasers on the benefits of using a SEQOHS accredited provider.

Following consultation, the completed standards will be published alongside a suite of documents that will support services through the accreditation process.

To take part in the Consultation, please access it here.

The consultation will close at 5pm on Friday, 25 November 2022.