Network Member Benefit: Free Webinars

We are pleased to advise that the Society of Occupational Medicine has opened up the following webinars free (normally £30) to members of the NHS Health at Work Network.  If the following code is entered upon registration it leads to no cost access:


  • Tues 11 Oct 12-1pm: The importance of team culture and wellbeing - Dr Olivia Donnelly / Dr Emma Lishman, North Bristol NHS Trust Register here
  • Wed 12 Oct 12.45- 1.45pm: Leading Lights Series: Leading for Diversity and Inclusion - Danny Mortimer, NHS Trust Register here
  • Thur 3 Nov 12-1pm: Leading Lights Series: Agile Leadership and Authenticity - Prof Kevin Fenton, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities Register here