The Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM) launched the SEQOHS accreditation system for Occupational Health providers on 1 December 2010. These were updated in 2015, and the FOM plan to launch the new 2023 standards later this year.

Accreditation Standards for the NHS

Providers of occupational health services to NHS organisations are required to meet some NHS specific standards in addition to the SEQOHS standards

The NHS Standards require an NHS Occupational Health Service to:

  • Deliver the following six NHS core services to NHS customers:
    1. Prevention – the prevention of ill health caused or exacerbated by work
    2. Timely intervention – easy and early treatment of the main causes of sickness absence in the NHS
    3. Rehabilitation – processes to help staff stay at work or return to work after illness
    4. Health assessments for work – supporting organisations manage attendance, retirement and related matters
    5. Promotion of health and well-being – using work as a means of improving health and wellbeing and using the workplace to promote health
    6. Teaching and training – promoting the health and wellbeing approach amongst staff and managers
  • Review services with the NHS customer at least every six months
  • Cost out services using a costing model that is reviewed or updated annually
  •  Have a current business plan that covers a minimum of 12 months and up to 5 years. The Plan should be reviewed and updated annually
  • Offer dates for an appointment within the timescales stipulated within the Service Level Agreement or contract
  • Send reports within the timescales stipulated within the Service Level Agreement or contract
  • Perform systematic audits of clinical care. This should include two local clinical audits every year and include participation in any national NHS occupational health clinical audits.