Welcome to our March 2025 Bulletin
Read how Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust achieved Highly Commended in our OHPRAS with their Hub and Spoke OH Model, see the Network's consultation response to the delivery of...
We are dedicated to maintaining a healthy, motivated workforce
Dear Colleagues
I’m not sure how we have reached December? It’s certainly been another busy year in the life of Occupational Health. Nationally, NHS OH has really been placed on the map over this last 12 months which was a direct result of how we have all responded to the COVID pandemic.
I hope you have had the chance to read and absorb the Growing OH & Wellbeing Together Strategy, and maybe even start to consider what this means for your Service. NHS England are still very much actively supporting this initiative - keep an eye as we go into 2023 on information and guidance from the national team who are working very hard in building up some fantastic resources as we aim to ‘grow our services’. If you still need to get familiar with this programme look on the website: GrowingOH - NHS Health at Work Network and news items 2 and 3 in this bulletin.
There are also some valuable pieces of information in the bulletin regarding clinical updates and training opportunities – so grab a cuppa and have some time to make sure you are fully updated on those areas that are applicable to you.
On behalf of the Network Board, I really do want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year. I hope you all get some precious time with those that you love. After our experience of the last few years, our social connections are no longer taken for granted and very much valued.
Best wishes
Chair, NHS Health at Work Network
In this edition:
1. Updated Integrated Guidance for Healthcare Workers
2. Growing the OH Workforce: An Important Survey
3. Growing OH&WB Progress Update
4. Creating an Inclusive Approach to Workplace Health
5. Certificate in Managing OH: Network Member Discount
6. Your Regional Board Rep: Dr. Alina Morhan
7. Movers and Shakers
8. MoHaWK: Round 22 is on Its’ Way!
9. ACAS Sickness Absence Toolkit
10. Useful Resources
1. Updated Integrated Guidance For Healthcare Workers
An update to the Integrated guidance on health clearance of healthcare workers and the management of healthcare workers living with bloodborne viruses (hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV), has now been published on the UKAP webpage, found here.
The changes are related to Hepatitis B reactivation (rHBV). There is a risk of reactivation of hepatitis B when a person becomes immunosuppressed. This is becoming more common due to the increased use of therapeutic immunosuppressive agents.
The main updates are that all EPP workers who are:
For any queries, please email the UKAP secretariat UKAP@phe.gov.uk
2. Growing the OH Workforce: An Important Survey
The London Centre for Work and Health has been commissioned by the Growing OH and Wellbeing Team (NHS England) to assess the current OHWB workforce landscape, and to scope out opportunities to grow a multidisciplinary OHWB workforce, with a particular emphasis on the role of allied health professionals and other emerging roles.
The London Centre is collecting important OHWB workforce and service delivery data from all NHS OHWB services and would appreciate if you would kindly assist by completing the online survey here: https://qualtrics.kcl.ac.uk/jfe/form/SV_4ZvDDGeY3URIqBE
Please forward this on to a suitable colleague in your department for completion if necessary. This should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.
Alternatively, the attached paper version can be completed or data can be collected via the telephone. Please email Vaughan.parsons@gstt.nhs.uk stating your preferred date/time and contact telephone number.
Anonymised information collected will be pooled with other responses and included in a final report and may be presented publicly. Data collected will be handled in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations and King’s College London and Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust data management policies.
This project has been registered as a service evaluation at Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust.
You will receive a £10 voucher to reimburse you for your time. This can be redeemed with a large number retail brands
This is your chance to have your say!
The survey will remain open until 8 January 2023.
3. Growing OH&WB Progress Update
NHSE have produced a useful slide deck and progress update on the Growing OH&WB Strategy. You can view the update here.
4. Creating an Inclusive Approach to Workplace Health
HSE has published new principles and guidance to support businesses to create an inclusive approach to workplace health.
Employers can use the simple principles to create an enabling workplace culture, where disabled workers and workers with long-term health conditions feel valued and thrive.
The Talking Toolkit can help structure conversations with workers and potential recruits.
The new principles help you to:
HSE has developed the guidance to help support Health is Everybody’s Business, the government’s commitment to better support the lives of disabled people.
Working closely with disability charities, unions and business representatives, the principles and guidance aim to help you and your business to support, retain and develop talent.
5. Certificate in Managing OH: Network Member Discount
The At Work Partnership are pleased to offer NHS Health at Work Network members a discount of £200+VAT for places on their Certificate in Managing Occupational Health Services course running from 28 to 30 March 2023. This fantastic three-day Certificate programme is designed to equip you with the essential management tools to deliver a successful occupational health service. The programme builds on professional training, and develops the additional skills needed to function effectively in the working environment in the private or public sector.
Book and pay by 1 February 2023 to qualify for the early bird rates.
For more information and to secure your place visit: https://ohaw.co/cmohs23
6. Featuring Your Regional Board Rep: Dr. Alina Morhan
This month, South Central Board Member Dr. Alina Morhan shares how her work with the NHS Health at Work Network has been crucial in better understanding the role of Occupational Health in the NHS:
'Being part of the Network has been instrumental in understanding the breadth of the role of OH in the NHS while I was adapting to my role as a newly qualified Consultant in Occupational Medicine. I have also found it valuable to participate in discussions about health, safety, and wellbeing for staff in the NHS at national level. At regional level, sharing challenges and successes with colleagues very much helps with avoiding the sense of isolation.'
Please get in touch with your regional Board Member if you wish to raise any issues or challenges, or equally if you have some good practice you would like to share more widely.
7. Movers and Shakers
Congratulations to Dr. Geraldine Martell and Karl Bookes who have recently joined the Network Board as regional representatives for East of England and the West Midlands respectively.
Geraldine is a Consultant OH Physician at the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, with many years NHS experience and a particular interest in supporting the Board with the Health Education England’s OH Workforce Expansion initiative. Karl is the OH Service Lead for the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust. You can contact Geraldine, Karl or any of our Board members here.
8. MoHaWK: Round 22 is on Its’ Way
Round 21 will be closed on 31st December and then Round 22 opens on 1st January 2023 for data input. As per previous rounds this will be left open until the commencement of the following round as this appears to have worked well for many services who are still balancing work demands and allows greater flexibility for the submission of data.
Please see the briefing notes for Round 22.
If you have any specific queries then do make contact via hilary.winch@nnuh.nhs.uk
9. ACAS Sickness Absence Toolkit
ACAS have launched their Sickness Absence Toolkit with tips, guidance, assets and resources for you to use. For managers and employers, handling sickness absence is an inevitable aspect of staff management. With over one-quarter of employers reporting an increase in staff absences, now more than ever it is crucial for businesses to know how to manage sickness absence effectively, because failure to do so can have a detrimental effect on business.
This ACAS guidance offers tips to businesses and employers on how best to handle sickness absence and how to better support employees during their illness and upon their return to work.
Listen to the ACAS podcast episode including ex-Network Chair Dr. Shriti Pattani, and others, unpack the subject of sickness absence; offering essential advice, firsthand experiences and best practices on how to better manage it.
Additionally, read the latest guest blog by Dr Kabir Abraham Varghese, Occupational Health Physician from London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust about the misconceptions surrounding occupational health, including informing businesses of when and why to refer to them.
10. Useful Resources
The Business Disability Forum have produced some practical guidance for healthcare professionals, including OH, on understanding the needs of patients with sight loss, including information for employers and businesses.
The NHS Health at Work Network brings together all OH teams providing health and wellbeing services to NHS OH staff. It is dedicated to providing consistent, high quality health at work services to all NHS staff through collaborative working.
Members of OH teams in NHS Health at Work Network member organisations can receive the bulletin and access the restricted areas of the website as a membership benefit – if you are not sure of your login details email admin@nhshealthatwork.co.uk
Please share this bulletin with colleagues and encourage them to register to receive it regularly. Non-Network members can also register to receive the monthly bulletin here.
You can contact the Network through your regional representative or as shown below. Please get in touch if you have any queries or comments, if there is anything you would like to see in future issues of the bulletin, or if you have news to share.
Hilary Winch, Chair hilary.winch@nnuh.nhs.uk
Andrew Gilbey, General Manager admin@nhshealthatwork.co.uk
Postal address: NHS Health at Work, PO Box 857, York YO31 6FR
Read how Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust achieved Highly Commended in our OHPRAS with their Hub and Spoke OH Model, see the Network's consultation response to the delivery of...
Read about our latest Network Board meeting, make sure you're signed up as a Network Member for 2025, find out how to tackle work-related stress and see the guidance on working...
Read about the Network AGM taking place in January, our Recognition Award Winner from Dorset, some lunch and learn sessions and a range of Network Member discounts if you are considering...