23 July 11am - 12:30pm

Participation in meaningful work is an important contributor to health and wellbeing.  Simon Stevens recently said the NHS needs to ‘raise its game’ to support people to remain in and return to employment, so how will this happen in practice? The Long Term Plan highlighted some of the national activity underway to develop new service models that better integrate health and employment support services.  But ICSs, with their focus on improving population health through local community partnerships, will be the real leaders of change. 
There are already great examples of NHS organisations working with system partners to improve employment outcomes for people in their area. The NHSE/I Strategy Team is working with the DHSC/DWP Work and Health Unit and Public Health England to identify and support these initiatives and help to share the learning.  To find out more, join our webinar on 23rd July between 11am-12:30pm:
  • Hear how Greater Manchester and Gloucestershire ICSs are supporting local people with health conditions to find and stay in work 
  • Hear about resources that can help you implement health and work-related initiatives, and the impact these can have on health outcomes, service use and inequalities
  • Share experiences of planning and implementing health and employment projects at a local level
  • Help shape NHSE/I plans to support local systems in delivering health and employment initiatives in 2020/21 and beyond
The webinar is part of our Population Health Management webinar series and focuses on the wider determinants of health. If you wish to attend, please register express your interest by emailing england.stgphm@nhs.net . Please distribute to the appropriate individuals across your system.