NHS Practitioner Health (PH) is a free and confidential NHS mental health and addiction service with expertise in treating health and care professionals. The service exists to help those members of the workforce who, due to confidentiality reasons, cannot access care or treatment locally.

Self-referral for:

  • Doctors and dentists in England and Isle of Man
  • Other staff in England where there is a genuine reason why they cannot access care confidentiality e.g. due to the seniority of their role, or the team they work in

NHS Occupational Health Services can support doctors with such concerns within the workplace.

PH and the NHS Health at Work Network have agreed that with a doctor’s explicit and informed consent, and where relevant, PH would contact the OH Service where the doctor works to ensure that all services are working together for the benefit of the doctor and the patients in their care.

To facilitate communication, PH have the names and contact details of the NHS Health at Work Network’s regional representatives in England. This means that PH can contact the representative to get the name and details of the lead clinical person in the OH Service of the Trust where the doctor works allowing direct communication with a named person.

Further information on confidentiality and consent is available here.  We also have an excellent case study which demonstrates the benefit of OH involvement.